So how is “happily ever after” working for you?  

Finding it about as easy as wading through mud in high heels?

Yeaaaah, It’s about time someone dropped some reality bombs about the world of love and relationships, so pull up a seat lovely, because things are about to get crystal clear in here.

But first, let me ask you this:

>> Are you starting to wonder why this love thang is dodging you? Always at arms reach, but never quite in hand?

>> Do your relationships seem to always circle back around, time and time again, to a suspiciously similar demise?

>> Has what started as such a love filled union become dogged with arguments, nit picking, and for all your best intentions, YOU just can’t get it back on track?

If so, I’ve got your back!



From Horror Flick to Rom Com, FAST!


You're in the right place if you want...

Freedom AND forever.

Autonomy AND partnership..

A successful, bespoke, bliss led life AND someone to share it with.

To fight the good fight; shoulder to shoulder with someone magnificent.

You're also in the right place if...

One more person asks “Anyone special in your life?” OR “how’s married life?” OR “everything ok at home?”  OR the dreaded “You’re not getting any younger”, well YOU MIGHT JUST SNAP!!!



Because, bottom line?

If you have success in every other area of your life yet it’s simply not translating to your love life, I can help.


Because, I’ve been where you are.

I’m Jessica Elizabeth Opert and as a Relationship and Dating Coach, my life's work is about helping you find, create and keep what I call... Forever Love.

I help you define your search for love so you can stop the 'swipe swipe' nightmare of endless dud dates + help you get absolute clarity on what kind of relationship you want so you stop waiting for it, and instead create it.

Together, we’ll unify your relationship around your shared vision so you can start shifting the dynamic today instead of repeating the same conversations over and over AND actually start living and loving it, instead of wishing for it.

How do I know these magical things?

Hi, My name is Jessica, I’m a recovering love life train wreck. CHOO! CHOO!

I spent years upon years in the dating world; on endless dud dates, more than my fair share of one woman show worthy terrible dates, and jumping in and out of relationships that were all the wrong fit, without even knowing it.

I had my life SO sorted. Career… check!  Fab social life… check! Travel, exciting hobbies, great family connections… check, check and check!!  Love life… FML!?!?!

I tried everything, E V E R Y T H I N G, except surrendering to the simple fact I needed some help. And I paid for it! In years, in a roadside littered with failed relationships, and eventually an overwhelming sense of hopelessness that maybe IT would never happen for me.

I knew deep down that the common denominator in all these relationships was me but that admission alone did not help me start to change the way I engaged with the process.

I hit bottom with love. I mean hopeless, rocky, am I broken(?) bottom! AND THEN, I hired an amazing coach who sat me down and we got right down to it, AND solved itand by IT.. I mean me! YIKES!

In one of the leanest, meanest concrete jungles in the world, NEW YORK CITY, I triumphed and found love!

I am now, happily married to the love of my life, living out my dreams in London.  And though on some days it may seem like magic, I can guarantee you the love filled results of our union are an act of concerted, meaningful and very self-aware efforts. Nope. Not a single unicorn in sight.

In short, I made it out! AND I can short circuit that process for you! 


I am very fortunate to have studied at the Coaching Academy, with Bev James and her amazing team as well as being a certified 'Enlightened Relationship Workshop Facilitator' by The Transformation Academy.  Add in years of private coaching clients, and the testimonials to show for it + being a featured expert in global publications such as Prevention, RedBook, MSN, Brides, Brit-Co, The Week, The List, Bustle, Hello Giggles, Yahoo, Zoosk, Romper and The Active Times...

I have everything WE are going to need, to transform how you give and receive love, in your relationships!



So if you’re…

:: A kick ass rock star woman or a evolved relationship seeking man out there in the jungle looking for love…

:: A fierce couple or an empowered individual in a relationship who wants to kick the relationship doldrums to the curb   and wants bring your partnership to the next level…


You are ready to stop flailing, stop wishing upon a star and START WINNING AT LOVE...

Then its high time we had a chat and bust out of that rut, together!


I have been a featured expert in...

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